Saturday, December 05, 2020

The Good Thing About Crushes

 I have to say there is one thing that crushing on the dentist has done for me and that's renew my love for music.

Its really been along while since music mattered to me or brought me any amount of joy.

So Dr. Minchau...thank you for being so damn gorgeous and for reminding me that I'm actually alive. See, I really haven't been for a very long time. Heck when my ovaries exploded...I didn't even know they were still there. I thought they dried up

Since 2008, I was a full time caregiver and I pretty much lost myself. I'm still not sure if I've found me, but I think part of me is coming back.

I've struggled a great deal since my mom passed away in 2018. I have spent so much time taking care of other people. I have totally forgotten how to take care of me.

Of course everything blew up on me this year, but it also reminded me to take care of myself better. Also when you have a pretty damn gorgeous set of eyes staring into the hot mess that is your mouth you kinda start feeling self conscious.

I've lost 5 lbs since I had those root canals.

Heck I've even managed to start wearing makeup again.

So Dr. McDreamy, I thank you kindly for giving me part of my life back.