I had a friend from college that passed away at the beginning of 2016. She was only 5 years older than myself.
At the time, we hadn't been speaking in several years. We didn't share the same political views and things got very nasty a few times.
I have always felt bad about this situation, because the break in our friendship came from a lot of, I don't want to say misunderstanding, but rather of not understanding.
It was at the time my dad was starting to get sick, which was after my grandmother had passed away. I couldn't go out a lot and I had to do most of the cooking then, as my mother's sight was failing. She didn't understand. Also, I hate Kings, which seemed to be her restaurant of choice for meetups.
I made a political post on Facebook one day, and she blew up on me, and said I hated her mother and then she deleted her account and was never heard from again, by me.
I was totally befuddled.
I found out her mother passed away in 2013, but I didn't learn that until much latter. I didn't learn Mary had passed until last year.
Every time I drive by Monongahela Cemetery I think of her. I wonder what happened because I don't have contact with any of her family members.
It is so sad that our friendship had to end the way it did.
I can only hope wherever she is now, that she's at peace.
6383 - The new gold
44 minutes ago