Wednesday, May 23, 2018

My Car Hates Me

So I was leaving work on Monday, and I walked around the back of my car. Not a normal thing for me to do, but for some reason I did.

My muffler is kinda just hanging there.

This does not thrill me, as my 2006 Focus has some pricey exhaust parts.

I zoom to the bank for my boss and over to Mr. Tire so they can have a look at it.

Well, said muffler was split in half.  Uh thank you Monessen and the wonderful freaky construction on Donner Ave.

The part costs a whopping $298.00 and there's labor included. Please kill me.

This is not what I need right now. I still have about $1500 to pay off on Mokey's hospital stays in Dec and Feb and I need to get the little guy his shots and a urinalysis to see how the prescription food is working. My regular credit card has more on it than I've had on them in years.

I seriously need to fall into some money pretty soon, though I don't know how that's going to happen. I hate debt. I dug myself out of it once and I hate having to do it again.

Also, because I need to bitch, I really wanted to get a new dining room table set this year, but thanks to all this crap, that isn't happening.