Monday, August 12, 2013

An Episode Of ARGH

Last night my father spilled a huge cup of Cherry Kool-aid on his new recliner. You know the recliner that isn't paid for, but carried a price tag of $640! I swear sometimes it is like I have a 4 year old...A very strongwilled....BAD 4 year old that just happens to be shoved into the body of an 87 year old man. Oh and don't worry..I didn't kill him... I yelled a lot, but I didn't kill him. Cherry Kool aid! I never want to see that again!


eViL pOp TaRt said...

That's terrible! Is there a chance the stain can be removed? I hope so!

Bilbo said...

This is why God made slipcovers. And Valium.