Sunday, March 03, 2013

I'm Frozen

I can't function.

I've churned out 2 reviews in the last few days and I still have one more to go before tomorrow is over.

I've had the new Justin Hayward CD since Wednesday and I haven't taken it out of the shrink wrap.

Oh and I'm cold. Our house is so freaking cold I can see my breath as I'm typing this. I have fingerless gloves on to keep my hands warm.

All I want to do is curl up somewhere and be warm.

Oh and I see in our weather forecast we just may be getting some snow on Tuesday night. Just what we need. However, I wish if we were going to get snow, we'd actually get some, as opposed to this flurry crap that's been happening every day this past week.

Where's that groundhog? I want to hit him with a stick!


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Bop him one for me! Brrrr!