Saturday, February 23, 2013

This About Sums It Up

Somedays it would be better if I didn't make it far from the bed.

Today started out with my nephew and I trying to wake up his mother for work. My sister can sleep through any alarm clock, so she gets a wake up call every morning for work. 51 years old and she can't get herself up in the am!


After that all went pretty well.

I got to the YMCA and to Giant Eagle.

That's when things started to go amok.

My dad's vitamin D prescription didn't make it to the pharmacy!

I had to call with an old one for a refill.

I made yummy cookies after I sorted that out, and started dinner.

I had my enchiladas ready to go in the oven, preheated at 350 and I made a quick trip to Rite Aid to get cough drops for said nephew.

I come back and the oven is on 380.


Dropped the temp down and put my dinner in the oven

Flash forward 30 minutes.

I remove the foil to find my dinner isn't even warm!

My oven that is only about a year and 3 months old is broke!


Always on a Saturday!

Thank god tomorrow's dinner is a'la crock pot.

And thank god I bought the extended protection plan on the stove.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Awww! You deserve a better Saturday than that. I hope your oven gets repaired well --