Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sometimes Its Best To Be Alone

I love my friends, but sometimes it is better to be solitary. I do solitary well. I always have. I'm not sure why.

If asked what tv character I identify with the most, I'd probably have to say that little boy Brick on The Middle. I'm not athletic and my nose as always been buried in a book. Not to mention I have always had anti-social tendencies.

I've also always managed to have friends that ditch me when they get involved. Funny isn't it? Granted I believe that your significant other should always be one of your best friends, but I don't believe that they should be your only friend.

I guess it leads me to be a not so trusting individual when it comes to friendships, and I do prefer being on my own to being in a group.

I'm going through a period right now where I'm kind of enjoying being alone and doing stuff with family. I'm sure that will change again and I'll want to be a social butterfly for a bit, but right now I'm enjoying some "me" time.

Oh and the YMCA...I'm loving the exercise and the lending library!!


Mike said...

"I do solitary well."

I do solitary well.

Deirdre said...

I often find myself in solitary and I seem to be just fine with it.

Yay for us cool kids!